The Lego Ninjago Movie – A young boy visits an old relic shop where he meets the mysterious elderly owner Mr. Liu, who begins to tell him the story of Ninjago, a city within the Lego Universe which is frequently terrorized by the evil Lord Garmadon who is the father of teenager Lloyd Garmadon and ex-husband of Misako (a.k.a. Koko). Ninjago despises Lloyd for being Lord Garmadon’s son thus putting Lloyd under emotional stress. Unbeknownst to them, Lloyd is part of the secret ninja force consisting of Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and their master named Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over Ninjago City by fighting with Mechs. After another fight, Garmadon’s army’s tech division shows him a new Mech
101 min
IMDb: 6.00
Country: United States, Denmark
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Action, Family
Release: 2017-09-20
Director: Charlie Bean, Paul Fisher, Bob Logan
Cast: Jackie Chan, Justin Theroux, Dave Franco, Michael Peña, Abbi Jacobson, Fred Armisen, Olivia Munn, Randall Park, Constance Wu, Zach Woods, Kumail Nanjiani, Retta, Laura Kightlinger, Bobby Lee, Charlyne Yi, Chris Hardwick, Ali Wong, Michael Strahan, Todd Hansen, Doug Nicholas, Kaan Guldur, David Burrows, Ruby, Alex Kauffman, Garret Elkins, Vanara Taing, Robin Roberts, Pearl, Viola Baldwin, Craig Berry
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